Let’s Workout! How a Busybody Can Still Build a Booty

Let’s Workout! How a Busybody Can Still Build a Booty

Alright ladies and gentlemen. You’re busy, I’m busy, yo momma busy, the kids and the dog too!

But I still want a nice booty!


This is a workout I like to throw in every now and again to tone those muscles that don’t always take center state. It’s quick, it’s easy and most importantly it’s effective AF. You can use it as your leg day if you’re new to weights or in a hurry, or you can add it on to  another workout to put a little extra bump in that booty if you are a more seasoned fitness enthusiast (I offer that consideration because you don’t want to over work your muscles it if you’re new).

With that being said I suggest completing the first 2 moves as a superset (complete the deadlifts and glute bridges back to back without rest and resting after both have been completed) and throwing in the TABATA (I explain below) at the very end or at the end of every set if you’re ready to really feel the burn! Enough chit chat-here we go!



You will need some stuff for this.


The Moves


Why are deadlifts so great for building a booty?

Deadlifts are AWESOME because as humans we are primarily quad dominate- meaning we use the muscles on the front of our legs instead of those on the back. Deadlifts focus alllll on the muscles on the back- making them a great movement to work a large muscle ground in 1 go.


How-to Do Deadlifts

  • Make sure your weights are in front of you
  • Set-up with your feet hip distance apart (make 2 fists and put them comfortably in-between your feet. that’s your hip distance. yea- I know. it’s close!)
  • A great way to find the start position is to simply place you hands on your knees- and then, while thinking about squeezing a pencil between your shoulder blades, slowly slide your finger tips down your shins to the tops of your feet. You feel that stretch/activation in the back of your legs? Perfect! This is where you start!
  • Pickup your weight and now push the ground away with your heels
  • Stand all the way up, squeeze that booty and then take it back down to touch the ground
  • Boom. You’re deadlifting, baby!

Some precautions

  • Make SURE that you feel this in your legs. If your low back is bothering you then stop. Ask for someone to take a look at you or record yourself and send it to me so I can advise!
  • Keep those shoulders back! Not only is this good for your posture (since we are always rounded forward on our phones, computers, whatever) but it will also help you  make sure that you have a strong foundation for the move.
  • What I don’t want you to do is arch your back. Save that for the dance floor. Shoulders back, low back neutral.
  • When you stand up, simply stand up. Do not hump the weight by pushing your hips forward.
  • Remember, you can probably do more weight than you think you can on the deadlift (another reason why it’s my fave) so when you’re comfortable and feeling it in all the right places- go a little heavier.


Want To Give It a Try?

YESSSSS. So glad that you do! Try completing 12-15 reps.

1 rep starts at the bottom, includes standing all the way up, and taking it back down to the bottom!

Superset these with the glute bridges for 3-4 sets. So as soon as you’re done with the last rep on your deadlift we are going right into the glute bridges.

Glute Bridges

Why are glute bridges so great for building a booty?

I have talked about these babies before over here. But they are so good let’s talk about them again! This is a different variation. And all glute bridges are great because they really isolate your booty.


How-to Do Glute Bridges

  • Setup with the weight beside of your hips
  • Sit down and ake sure your feet are about hip distance apart
  • Bring your heels to your glute- but not SO close. Right under your knees is a good place.
  • Lay back and place the weight on your hips
  • From here, press the ground away with your heels (yea we’re doing a lot of that today raising your hips to the ceiling
  • Hold for 1-2 seconds (I like to count Mississippis) and then tap the ground with your booty for 1 rep
  • Repeat


  • Pretend like you are holding a balloon or a coke can in between your knees. You don’t want to crush either but you don’t want to drop it. If you need a visual then use the distance between your pinky finger and thumb.
  • Lift your toes for a little added umph.
  • You can also point one leg to the ceiling to isolate each side.
  • On the last rep of each set I like to complete pulses (the same number as the number of reps I did) and then hold it for a 30 second count (oh yea).

Want To Give It a Try?

Same as before- complete 12-15 reps. And once you are all done with your last rep rest for 1 minute to 90 seconds. Then repeat the whole thing (deadlifts too!) for 3-4 sets (or rounds if you want to call them that).



Why is TABATA Booty so great for building a booty?

Where do I begin? You are working those little muscles that our bigger ones often just do most of the work for so it is awesome at making your booty a full-rounded (pun intended) work of art. And it fatigues the muscles with a lot of movement and not a lot of weight- which is great for growth. And it’s only 2 minutes and 40 seconds of total work! There are SO many ways you can use this but this is one of my faves.

How-to Do TABATA Booty

TABATA is 20 seconds of max effort work. You’re going hard, as fast as you can, the entire time. Because it’s only 20 seconds.

Then you rest for 10 seconds.

And we do that 8 times.

That’s it! 4 total minutes, only 2 minutes and 40 seconds of work. Beautiful.

The moves that I use for this particular booty version are as follows:

  • In & Outs
    • Start with the band a few inches above your ankles
    • Make sure that there is a little tension on it so that it doesn’t fall down
    • 3, 2, 1, Go! Jump your feet out to the side just a little bit and then back in.
    • Keep it up for 20 seconds
  • Side Taps – Right Leg
    • Start with your right foot slightly in front of you and to the side, with tension on the band
    • 3, 2, 1, Go! Tap the ground beside of your standing leg with your toe
    • Tap the ground behind you and out to the side with your toe
    • Tap the ground beside your standing leg
    • Tap back at that start position
    • Go fast as first and speed it up as you become more comfortable
    • Keep it up!
  • Side Taps – Left Leg
    • Samesame. Just the other side
  • Fast Feet
    • Get tension on your band
    • Bend your knees and push your hips back so that you are in a mini squat
    • 3, 2, 1, Go! SUPER quick taps with your right foot then your left. Not like running in place but like nervously tapping your feet back and forth.
    • Slowly move your arms back and forth

Want To Give It a Try?

OMG YES! If you pick one thing I would make it this just because of the targeting on this little muscles. And yo- you can feel it! Try doing it after your first super set. Make sure you rest a minutes or so. And if all is well and good do it after all the supersets. Otherwise add it on after you complete the 3-4 rounds. Maybe you do it once, rest and then do it again. Maybe you only do it once. Feel it out.



Awesome job for completing that! I see more stretchy fabrics in your future. Remember- as important as fitness is (and as much as we all want to look good) if you aren’t enjoying it then you’re just torturing yourself. So always make sure that you’re having fun and staying safe!

If you want more workouts you can check them out here. Or if you have any questions or want me to complete a customized program for you then just contact me here.