3 Workouts When Ain’t Nobody Got Time For That!

3 Workouts When Ain’t Nobody Got Time For That!

I think it goes without saying- life is flying by fast AF. And when it comes to ourselves we are usually the ones who get the short end of our attention stick. When you factor in the fact that you worked late, have to pick up the kids, make dinner, get them to bed, prep for tomorrow then that doesn’t always leave time to pack a bag, head to the gym, do a workout and drive home in between. Thus, alas, most people opt out of the gym as a way to save time.

But working makes you feel good! Endorphins are a real thing. Besides, you need all that stamina and energy and good fuzzy feels to help you cope with life. But the way your life is set up…


Look, I’m not trying to shame you, nor convince you do to anything you don’t wanna- but I am going to give you my favorite 3 workouts when ain’t nobody got time for that fitness thing!

Some of these are going to be more teaching you how-to fish meaning I will tell you formats and options instead of actual workout movements and how-to do them.


Workout #1


This is an acronym for “Every Minute On (the) Minute.” I love EMOMS because you can make them as short or as long as you want yet they are always intense because you’ve got a minute! You better work!

One think I like to do is pick some different movements,  decide how long I have to workout, complete as many reps as I can in a minute of each movement (1 minute per movement) with a minute of rest at the end of each round. So It might look something like this:


My movements:

  • Sit-ups
  • Air Squats
  • Push-ups
  • Rest

How much time I have to workout:

  • OK- I’ve got about 20 minutes so I can do 5 rounds in that time

My Workout:

20:00 EMOM

  • Minute 1: Max Sit-ups
  • Minute 2: Max Air Squats
  • Minute 3: Max Push-ups
  • Minute 4: Rest

Repeat 4 more times!

I like to go about 70-80% of max effort on the first round, make sure to count my reps and then match that number for the following rounds.

You could also add another movement and do 4 rounds. As in I would add jumping jacks for minute 4 and then rest minute 5. Make it your own!

Workout #2


Another acronym. this one stands for “As Many Rounds/Reps As Possible.” Take some movements, add some reps to them and do rounds of that for whatever amount of time you have.

My movements:

  • Deadlifts
  • Push Presses
  • Jump Rope

Add Numbers:

  • 10
  • 10
  • 50

How much time I have to workout:

  • YEESSHHH! Only 12:00

My Workout:

12:00 AMRAP

  • 10 Deadlifts
  • 10 Push Presses
  • 50 Jump Ropes


On these I like to move at about 70-80% of max effort, depending on how long the AMRAP is, see how long the first round takes me and then try to keep that the pace for the following rounds- always pushing it harder at the end!


Workout #3


Don’t get too excited.

I know, I know. I saved the best for last. Running is something you can do anywhere- and it’s a kick ass workout. Make sure you warm-up because pulled hamstrings, shin splints and all that fun stuff are possible when sprinting.

For this make sure you use a surface free from unevenness and/or holes. If you want some added intensity use a weighted vest or find a hill to sprint up.

You can either sprint the distance and rest :30, or you can sprint for a specific amount of time and then rest for equal time, or double time.


  • I’m feeling good so I’m going to sprint up this big hill as fast as I can. I start my clock, sprint up it.
  • I see that it took me :20.
  • I rest for :40 seconds and try to match/beat my first time.
  • Do as many rounds of this as you have time for.



Remember, before starting any fitness routine make sure to consult with your doctor and know that the above are just examples and not workouts I am suggesting you personally do. Also always make sure to warm-up and cool down properly based on the movements you are performing and any particular concerns you may have.