Rowing: Do I Push? Do I Pull? What Is Happening? 5 Tips To Be A More Efficient Rower

Rowing: Do I Push? Do I Pull? What Is Happening? 5 Tips To Be A More Efficient Rower

I get it- monostructural workout components aren’t the sexiest thing in the world. They’re nothing like a squat or a clean- and they for sure don’t even come close to the snatch (haha, get it?).

But we still need them.

Rowing is one of those things that has always been around but was popularized with CrossFit.


Programmed a run but it’s pouring down rain? To the rowers!

Bad joints or other injury that doesn’t work so well with impact? Rowing it is.

Need some active full body recovery but really don’t wanna? I’ve got a rower with your name on it.


While pretty much all of us have used a rower at some point by now a lot of us still just aren’t using it correctly. So here’s a crash course on how-to row and some tips that you might not know (or maybe you do) to help you make rowing more efficient- and less hated.



1. Setting Up The Rower

Those little foot pedals and that slidey thing on the side of the fan are there for a reason.

You should adjust the footplate so that if you are looking at your foot the strap is pulled tightly showing 1-2 shoe laces. For more info than you probably ever wanted to know on your footplate setup visit Erg Rowing.

The damper setting controls how much air flows through the fan and does NOT, I repeat does NOT, necessarily coordinate to your intensity. That comes from you. The higher the damper setting (let’s say a 10) the more air that is flowing through- and the more likely you are to tire out on those long endurance WODs. Most workouts are effective with the damper between a 3-5. Try to avoid going above 8- you’ll just be tuckering yourself out.

And then there’s your display. That thing is full of information. I personally like the screen that has everything nice and big where I can see my total elapsed time, my 500m split time, my stokes / minute and the total number of units (calories/meters/etc.). Get this ready BEFORE you start your workout.



2. OK- I’m All Set! Now What?

Now it’s time to get to work! You want to make sure you are holding the handle so that your pinkies are at the ends.

From here, FIRST think about pushing though your heels and fully extending your knees.

Then take a slight hinge at the hip.


And lastly pull the handle to your rip cage- making sure to think about keeping your armpits covered. I like to reference t-rex arms.

On the return it’s the opposite.

FIRST your arms go back.

Then you hinge at the hip.

And lastly you bend your knees.


Here’s a fun little rowing mantra to help you out:

Knees, hips, arms, arms, hips, knees.


3. Look Ma! I’m Doing It!

Yeaaaaa- you are, my yon paddywon! Now make sure you are maintaining a pace by keeping an eye on your strokes per minute. This will help ensure you aren’t starting off really hard and then dying towards the end. If you are then it is a great way to identify how-to adjust (don’t start off at such a high stroke rate).


4. Am I Any Good?

As with everything, there are some standards when it comes to average row times.

For a 2000m Row about 11 minutes

For a 500m Row between 1:30-1:40


If we are going for calories:

Ladies you should be getting 1 calorie per 2 pulls.

Gentlemen you should be getting 1 calorie per 1 pull.


Check out some super detailed rankings at Concept 2.


As with anything, practice makes perfect so once you know where you are and what the average is then you can start to set your goals.


5. OK- That Was Fun. Now How Do I Get Out?

I see so many people struggle with their dismount. There is a super easy way to get out with a quickness. Simply press down on the little plastic part of your foot strap beside of your foot. Kick up. Voila!



Those are some quick tips to take into account the next time you hop on a rower. There is a plethora of information on rowing out there but for your average fitness enthusiast these tips will help you out. Did they? Let me know! Or if you have some times you think I should add here send me a message so I can do just that!