I Am Woman: A 6 Part Series to Empowerment of Your True Self

I Am Woman: A 6 Part Series to Empowerment of Your True Self

Women have a tendency to take on the roles we have been assigned- wearing the hats we are given. But that is changing as more and more women are asking, “Who am I really?”

That was me. And on some days that still is me! And I know I’m not alone in my search for myself. And I want you to know that you’re not alone either.

In my desire to bring us together, I have created a 6 part workshop to help you find power in your truth- and I would be honored if you came with me on this journey.

We will meet Saturday morning for a few hours every 3 weeks (or just once if a particular topic catches your eye). During that time we will listen to a real life account on the matter and then we will open up the floor for a discussion where your voice will be heard.

But talk is cheap and actions speak louder than words, right? So each of the 6 sessions will have some “soulwork” for you. This isn’t a flashback to school nor is it something for your dog to eat. It is encouragement to take what we have discussed and apply it to your day-to-day so that you can digest the info and use it to help you witness a real change in your life.

Read about each session below and go with what speaks to you. If you have any questions or concerns about the workshop then please reach out to me.

I am both excited and grateful for this opportunity.

Sending you all the love!


Session 1. The Illusion of Femininity

We all have ideas of who and what being female means, right? And most of the times, those ideas come from a beautiful place of love. Our friends and families wanting us to excel in our essence of what it means to be a woman.

But what if their definitions aren’t our realities? What if the ideas and conditioning we have been exposed to are just a perception of the potential of what it means to be a woman?

We are at a point of reckoning where this isn’t just a question of “”what if”” but an actuality that is playing out in real life. The concepts of what being a woman is to our mothers is no longer the mold that the women of today fit into- nor necessarily aspire to.

Join me and other like-minded women as we have a conversation about what we have been told it means to be a woman and how we feel that pertains to our own concepts of femininity and who we are as a woman right now.

Session 2. How-to Find Yourself

But some days we still have moments where we stop and ask: Who am I anyway?

We have all heard celebrities and role models talk about about finding the end all be all to their success: themselves. Yet no one ever tells us how. No one teaches us how to tame this wild unicorn of self awareness. How do we find this sense of self and really understand who we are? Where do we sign-up for THAT webinar?

Right here. We will talk shop on how-to do you- not just talking at you and telling you to do it. It won’t be pretty- in fact it will probably get pretty uncomfortable. But this is one of those things that has to happen in order for you to understand yourself.

In this workshop I will share my personal account of self discovery- and then we will talk about how-to do it. Spoiler alert: it means we are going to take a microscope and be real, real honest about all those things that we don’t love about ourselves. And of course, we are going to get honest about the things we do love. The kicker? We are going to celebrate them all.

Session 3. Embodying Self Love

So now that we know who we are- how do we love that person? How do we love the parts of ourselves that don’t seem so lovable? Like the fact that we sometimes lash out for no reason. Or the part where we have a tendency to always eat the last pizza roll.

In this age of #SelfLove we are bombarded with mantras, memes and quotes telling us to love ourselves- but what does that really mean? And furthermore how TF do we do that?

In this workshop we will delve into ways to love yourself as the person that only You know how to be: Yourself. We will talk about what it’s like to be self conscious about the parts of you that make you well, You. And we will talk about ways to accept those parts.

And then we will go even deeper and talk about the how-tos for applying that love to our own lives in realtime- complete with accountability for actually practicing that #SelfLove stuff that’s all the rage today.

Session 4. How-to Play Nice With Others

OK- So we have broken down what it means to be a woman, gotten closer to who we are and how being a woman relates to us AND talked about how we can love all the parts of ourselves.

But what happens when others don’t love our awesome selves like we do?

You know those people. The ones that think you’re wrong just for existing. And the ones that dislike you whether you do or don’t do what they think is right. Those people. What is their problem anyway? And how do we just get along with them?

Well my friend- if you thought we went deep in previous weeks then I’m going to need you to bring your diving gear to this one.

Join us for this very special session where we have a special guest speaker explaining the psychology of why some people just want to have things their way (too many BK commercials perhaps?) and how-to best present who You are while respecting them and taking that higher road.

Session 5. Your Story

Hello, World!

We have come so far along our path of self discovery, acceptance and even learned how to take ourselves anywhere with the confidence to embody ourselves fully- and to communicate effectively with those who may not see eye to eye.

With this newfound sense of self and confidence some of us may find ourselves feeling so empowered that we want to shout it from the rooftops!

And even with that, there are still some topics that just give us that feeling in the pit of our stomachs when we are asked about them. 

Like our previous relationships, family situations and other personal matters.

So how do we confidently explain these experiences without disclosing too much information?

We’ll talk about it. And we will work through it. That is what we are focusing on this session. Portraying a difficult topic in a way that is comfortable for you. 

Session 6. Walking Into Your Future – Unapologetic AF

How though?

Now you are full of confidence, and hopefully pretty inspired, so chances are you are want to do something about it! But how? How do you take this newfound passion and these ideas of yours and channel it into something that will make an impact?

We’re talking goals! Whatever those goals may be.

This is a judgement free zone so whatever is in your heart let’s talk about how-to hold it in your hand! We are going to talk about the steps you need to take in order to make it happen. This workshop is all about your future and the ingredients to the secret sauce that will make your tomorrows so much sweeter.

Are you all in? Awesome! Just let me know by reaching out to me so I can let you know when the next session is!