Guest Post! Bodybuilding Pro Delivers the Deets for 3 Moves Every CrossFitter Should Do!

Guest Post! Bodybuilding Pro Delivers the Deets for 3 Moves Every CrossFitter Should Do!

I’m sure you’ve been waiting for this just as anxiously as me and guess what. It’s heeerreeeeee!! Remember last week when I was all, “Hey! Super exciting news! I did my first collaboration!“? And I mentioned that my collaborator would be creating Part 2? Well it’s heeerreeeeee!!

This post is awesome and includes some of the most perfect moves for building that butt! Before we jump right into it I’m going to give you some foreplay in the form of background information on Tiana.

Tiana Gonzalez who hails from New York. On paper Tiana is a Personal Trainer and IFBB Pro Figure Competitor with certifications from NASM, Precision Nutrition and Smart Fitness. She graduated from Binghamton University with a Bachelor of Science degree in Mechanical Engineering.  To those that know her she is a positive and uplifting light is passionate about living life and helping her clients reach their goals. I met her when she dropped in to a class I was coaching (duh- where else do I meet people?). We kept in touch and when she was returning to Miami I wanted to learn a few new tricks- and vice versa! Hence our first (of hopefully many) collaboration was born! Read allll about these moves and how you an apply them to your own fitness routine by checking out the full article 3 Bodybuilding Moves Every CrossFitter Should Do on her site.

Here’s some more foreplay in the form of an except straight from her site to get you excited:


Single Leg Glute Bridge

Single Leg Glute Bridge is an amazing movement for building power in the gluteal/hip region.  Have you ever seen a professional athlete with pancake ass? I didn’t think so.  That is because most of your power comes from your posterior chain (Rear end, hamstrings, calves).  So yes, building powerful glute muscles is all good all around.

How To:

  • Start Laying on the floor with one foot resting on the edge of a bench or box.
  • The other leg is extended towards the ceiling with the foot flexed.
  • Lift the hips up towards the ceiling while you visualize touching the ceiling with your heel.  Contract the glutes at the top of the movement for a brief second (pause), then lower down to the floor.
  • Make sure your glutes touch the floor before you start your next repetition.


Want to try it?

Start by doing 3 sets of 15 reps on each leg.  This movement can be done prior to lower body work, for example if you are going to do barbell squats.