The 12 Days of Ehhh- I Don’t-Have-Time-For-That-Crap Do Anywhere Holiday Workout

The 12 Days of Ehhh- I Don’t-Have-Time-For-That-Crap Do Anywhere Holiday Workout

The holidays are complicated enough as they are. After Halloween it’s basically the next year.

There are events with your family, events with your friends, work parties, entertaining clients, parties with those people you don’t really like but can’t tell them no, fewer work days yet somehow more deadlines, presents to buy in crowded malls OR time to invest online shopping.

OMG. I am exhausted from just typing all of that. And it was all to prove the point that for most of us, we end up cutting corners somewhere for the sake of time management during the holidays.

The corner that gets cut the most? The fitness corner. Skipping the gym in exchange for the eggnog. (I would like to let the record show that may be an alternative fact).


Despite the validity of that last sentence I am here for you. I have a quick and effective workout that you can literally do anywhere. And I made this super no frills- so none of those complicated 12 days of Christmas rep schemes or do a burpee everytime a Christmas carol says “santa” bullshit workouts.

What I have created for us, because hey- I am a busy woman with the holiday spirit too- hits allll the good spots (heh) and is guaranteed to make you feel better about that Christmas cookie you tried to sneak when you thought no one was looking (I totally was).


Let’s get to it. All you need is yourself. But you probably will want some workout apparel, water and some music that doesn’t have anything to do with Old Saint Nick.


The Workout

We are going to do this EMOM style. EMOM is an acronym for “Every Minute On the Minute.”

What I love about EMOMs is that they keep you moving while allowing a little bit of rest when applicable. You can make this as long as you want. I am going to give you 5 moves to be rotated every minute. You can repeat as many rounds as time allows. For example if you only have 18:00 then complete 3 rounds. If you have more time then do 6 rounds and make it a 36:00 workout. You get the point.


The Moves

Minute 1: Air Squats

Minute 2: Push-ups

Minute 3: Sit-ups

Minute 4: Lunges

Minute 5: Burpees

Minute 6: Rest


Rep Scheme

Seeing as how each and every one of us are our own individual special snowflake the exact number of repetitions is going to vary. Also since we are going for that maximum effort in minimal time effect then we are going to complete as many reps as we can each minute. You’re welcome.


If you need a how-to for the moves then please find them below. Otherwise go ahead and get to sweating! And uh- have an extra bite of holiday deliciousness for me. 



Air Squat

  • Start with your feet outside of your shoulders, toes slightly pointed out
  • Push your butt back like you’re about to twerk
  • Then drop it like it’s hot- but not ALL the way down. Keep some tension

  • Your hips should go below your knees

  • To come back up push the ground away with your heels and think about trying to touch your knees to the wall next to it
  • Repeat
  • You’re squattin’ baby!


  • Start with your hands below your shoulders, butt and core squeezed

  • Bend your elbows and think about them going BACK- not out
  • Touch your chest to the ground while keeping your hips up

  • Working towards that goal? I gotchu. Put your knees on the ground. EVERYTHING else is the same


  • This is going to be easier than losing your virginity
  • Bring the soles of your feet together and lay back
  • Touch the ground behind you with your hands

  • Sit-up and touch the ground in front of your feet

  • Repeat



  • I love me some lunges. Start standing with your feet together

  • Step forward
  • Drop STRAIGHT down

  • Push through your front heel and drive the knee of your front leg away from you to return the foot beside of the other one
  • Repeat on the other side
  • Watch that booty grow


  • I saved the best for last
  • Start standing (optional: you can desolately stare at the vacant space directly in front of you where you are about to sadly propel your body)

  • Hinge at your hip to bring your hands to the ground
  • Jump (or step) your feet back
  • Chest and thighs make contact with the ground

  • Press up with your arms as you pop your hips up
  • Make sure to land wide- in your heels and the outside of your feet (this is safer for knees, and it helps to keep your hips high)

  • Stand up so that your hips are fully extended
  • Jump and clap hands overhead